

/ 17 May 2021

THE INTER-AGENCY Task Force for the Management of Infectious Diseases has allowed the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority to conduct in-person assessments for household service workers in areas under modified enhanced community quarantine.

In its Resolution No. 115 series of 2021 dated May 13, the IATF said that the assessments may be held only in TESDA Training Institutions for HSWs ready for overseas deployment.

TESDA Director General Isidro Lapeña thanked the IATF-EID for allowing the agency to conduct assessment even in MECQ areas.

“This is a very welcome development especially for our graduates and skilled workers. We thank the IATF for expanding the areas where we can conduct competency assessment. TESDA is ready to do training and assessment under any quarantine levels,” Lapeña said.

He added that allowing limited face-to-face assessment for HSWs will certainly speed up the assessment and certification process and facilitate outbound OFWs’ compliance to their job requirements abroad.

“This will definitely ease the burden of our kababayans who have been waiting to undergo competency assessment which was suspended due to quarantine restrictions. We will ensure that all outbound OFWs are competent and have the right skills to render service to their employers in foreign countries,” he said.

The task force allowed TESDA to continue the conduct of training programs and assessment “related to agriculture/fishery qualifications for food production and processing,” “distance learning for technical vocational education and training programs,” and eLearning components of blended learning for TVET programs” in areas under general community quarantine.

It also allowed TESDA to conduct face-to-face competency assessment for Domestic Work, Caregiving, Housekeeping, and other technical-vocational courses.