Student Guide


The SQ3R Reading Method has helped students across the world cram for last-minute exams and quizzes, with a fast and efficient way to take in important information.

/ 22 February 2021

We all know that feeling of reading a particular chapter in a module or textbook over and over again because, no matter how hard we try, we just can’t understand what it’s trying to say. It could either be a too-long passage on the world’s most confusing subject, or a short one with just as many unfamiliar jargons and terminologies. No matter the case, simply reading it just doesn’t seem enough sometimes.

Thankfully, there’s a popular reading method popularized on the Internet that helps us with just that. Aptly named the SQ3R Reading Method, it provides a thorough process that involves Survey-Question-Read-Recite-Review to help dissect information better in hard-to-understand textbooks. Each step is already helpful in itself, so you don’t need to do all exercises. Just pick out what works best for you and your study sessions.

The SQ3R Reading Method:


Before getting into the whole body of text, skim through the chapter first and identify the main topics and ideas presented. Read the instruction, take note of headings, check out any visual support, or sneak a peek if there’s a chapter summary at the end. This will help you gravitate towards the most important bits of information while you’re reading, and will sharpen your focus on what the passage is really trying to say.


Peep at the end of the chapter and see if the textbook provides study questions. If it does, use this to direct your focus while reading, and look for the answer in the text. If it doesn’t have provided study questions, take note of headings or sub-headings, and formulate a question out of each one.


Look for the answers to your questions, and highlight the most important ones. Don’t highlight every piece of information to avoid getting a page that’s just full of highlighted text, that you don’t even know which ones are truly important anymore. Also, remember that the paragraph’s main idea can usually be found in the first sentence, with the following ones acting as support to the Big Idea.


What do you remember from what you’ve read? Answer the questions out loud, in your own words (don’t memorize!), and see for yourself if you’ve fully understood the chapter. Sometimes studying out loud helps our brain remember information more, instead of merely repeating the same things in our heads.


Did you know that the first 24 hours after learning new information is crucial to truly forging something into memory? Review what you’ve learned the day before, and check which facts have successfully stuck to your brain, and what hasn’t. Focus on the things that you can’t seem to remember anymore, and try to recite them again a couple of times (in different variations) for maximum comprehension and retention.


Hopefully this Reading Method can help you with your study woes! Remember to Survey-Question-Read-Recite-and Review your way through all the new chapters, and digest new information like a pro.