

/ 14 November 2022

THE TECHNICAL Education and Skills Development Authority will hold a hybrid meeting of the ASEAN TVET Council on November 17-18, 2022 in Pasay City to discuss the implementation of the ATC Work Plan 2021-2030, and areas of cooperation with external parties.

“We trust that this meeting will further cement the role of technical vocational education and training (TVET) in the ASEAN region as well as strengthen cooperation among member states,” TESDA Director General Danilo Cruz said.

“The country, through TESDA, has laid an extensive foundation for the future workings of the ATC. We look forward to even more developments in the ATC under Singapore’s lead,” the TESDA chief added.

The ATC is comprised of representatives from the labor, education, and economic ministries of the ten ASEAN Member States.

Four regional organizations — ASEAN Confederation of Employers, ASEAN Future Workforce Council, ASEAN Trade Union Council, and Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Secretariat are also represented in the ATC.

The ATC Work Plan 2021-2030, one of the major outcomes of the ATC under the Philippine chairmanship, identified six major outcomes aimed to advance the TVET in the ASEAN region.

These include strengthened labor-market orientation through effective use of labor market information and institutionalized cooperation and leadership of business and industry in TVET; improved digital readiness, resilience to disruptions, and ability of TVET systems and TVET institutions to adapt and respond to emerging trends; and, enhanced capacity of TVET personnel (political decision- makers, managers, teachers, instructors, and trainers at schools, centers and in companies).

The work plan aims to have an improved image and status of TVET and increased demand for initial and continuous TVET programs in and across AMS; sustained and effective ATC as an institution in the region; and, harmonized TVET policies/frameworks to improve the whole ASEAN TVET environment

To operationalize the work plan, the commitments of the ASEAN Member States to take the lead or co-lead in implementing the planned activities of the ATC work plan will be tackled.

Initially, the TESDA has committed to lead in strengthening the capacity of the ATC as an organization, but is also interested in other areas such as enhancing labor market information systems, TVET quality assurance, and mutual recognition of skills.

The establishment of the ATC was called for in the ASEAN Declaration on Human Resources Development for the Changing World of Work adopted by the 36th ASEAN Summit in June 2020. Subsequently, it was launched in September 2020 and the Philippines currently holds the inaugural chairmanship of the council.

The chairmanship will be turned over to Singapore during the latter part of the event.