

/ 8 June 2024

SENATOR Christopher ‘Bong’ Go urged the new graduates of the Southern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc. in Albay to use education to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

In his speech during the Commencement Exercises of SLCFI in Legazpi City, Go emphasized the importance of education as a key to unlocking a brighter future.

He highlighted how education empowers individuals, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to overcome challenges and achieve their goals in the future.

The senator likewise stressed that education is about gaining academic knowledge and cultivating values and character to guide students throughout their lives.

As Go inspired the students by sharing stories of his humble beginnings and how education played a pivotal role in every Filipino’s journey toward success, Jennifer Divina, one of the graduates, paid tribute to Go’s initiatives and support in their province, particularly the Malasakit Centers program institutionalized under Republic Act No. 11463, or the Malasakit Centers Act of 2019, which Go principally authored and sponsored.

Addressing the significant contribution of the Malasakit program in their community, Jennifer enumerated its key features.

Jennifer ended her speech by thanking the senator on behalf of the school, its faculty, parents, and the community.

“We cannot thank you enough for what you have done. May God bless you more as you continue to bless the people in need, Senator Bong Go,” the graduate stressed.

Go then urged students to dream big and work diligently to realize their aspirations emphasizing that every individual has the potential to excel, the Senator reminded the students that they possess the power to achieve greatness and positively impact society.

“The journey you embark on is filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. I have faith in every one of you, and I believe that you have the power to shape a better future for yourselves and our nation,” Go enthused.