

/ 27 September 2024

THE DEPARTMENT of Science and Technology, in collaboraton with Isabela State University, introduced a new herd of goat kids, born through Embryo Transfer technology.

Through the guidance and expertise of DOST Balik Scientist Dr. Miguel Mervin Pajate, the ISU project team set up the laboratory for laparoscopic ET.

The successful pregnancies of the surrogates were monitored by a team led by Dr. Jonathan N. Nayga of ISU.

According to DOST, ET is a technique where embryos are collected from a superior donor female and transferred to a recipient or surrogate dam for the remainder of the pregnancy.

“Through embryo transfer technology, the Philippines can harness the economic and nutritional advantages of a robust goat industry,” DOST Secretary Renato U. Solidum, Jr. said during his presentation.

“The goat industry is a viable business opportunity for local entrepreneurs since it requires minimal upkeep and low investment cost. Through embryo transfer, our local goat industry has the opportunity to improve the health and productive performances of the local livestock.”

To date, the ISU project team has completed three trials. The first was done in February 2023 and the kidding was recorded in June 2023; the 2nd was done in October 2023 and the kids were born in February 2024; and the latest was made in November 2023 and the kids were born in March 2024.