

/ 2 February 2024

THE University of the Philippines Open University is offering 24 free online courses that can be taken remotely.

According to UPOU, this is part of its initiative to offer borderless education, which is free, self-paced, and open to everyone interested in taking them at their convenience.

Dubbed the Massive Open Online Courses, once completing the course, the takers will be awarded e-certificates that they can include in their resumes that are equivalent to 16 hours of training.

The 24 programs will be offered from January to December 2024, which comprise basic resilience, gender sensitivity, technology in open distance learning, and scriptwriting, among others.

UPOU urges interested takers to create a MODeL account, which can be done through

“Don’t miss out—register now and let us be part of your journey to continuous growth and skill development… Our courses are FREE, SELF-PACED, and OPEN to everyone so you may complete them at your convenience,” UPOU said on its website.