

/ 9 June 2022

THE UNIVERSITY of the Philippines and the Land Bank of the Philippines signed an agreement to provide more opportunities for students in their internship programs.

The two institutions signed the Academe-Industry Cooperation Agreement for UPLB’s student training programs.

The agreement also has provisions on possible employment of qualified graduates, conduct of recruitment activities and career fairs, research and other potential collaborations in the future.

UPLB Vce Chancellor for Administration Rolando Bello, Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development Fernando Paras, Jr., Land Bank’s Executive Vice President and head of the Branch Banking Sector Julio Climaco, Jr. and Senior Vice President and head of Human Resource Management Group Joselito Vallada witnessed the signing of the agreement.

“We, at UPLB, are delighted to collaborate with the Land Bank of the Philippines for the internship of our students,” UPLB Chancellor Jose Camacho, Jr. said.

“As we pursue outcomes-based education fit for the learners of the 21st century, it is crucial for our students to develop competencies and skills in their respective fields of expertise and such could only be reinforced by actual experience in the industry,” he added.

Aside from students of agricultural sciences, agribusiness, and other allied agriculture disciplines, Land Bank President and Chief Executive Officer Cecilia Borromeo specified that they also need experts in mathematics and engineering.

“UPLB is a very good training ground for the young Filipinos to serve the nation,” Borromeo said. “One unique trait of UPLB graduates is the aspiration to give back to the country and Land Bank is a very good institution [for them] to do that.”