SOME 36 students of Philippine Science High School System attended a workshop training on planning and implementing sustainable, science-driven climate solutions in their schools and communities.
The workshop was organized by United States Peace Corps, titled “Building Student Volunteer Leaders for Climate Change Initiatives.”
According to the US Embassy, the training is part of the U.S. Peace Corps’ broader commitment to addressing global climate challenges by collaborating with host country partners and integrating climate change adaptation in its program and training activities.
“We are partnering with the PSHS System to tap the potential of STEM education when applied to climate action,” Peace Corps Country Director Marguerite Roy said.
“I am excited to see how the participating students will build on this training, bring their projects to life, and influence others to become agents of change.”
PSHS System Executive Director Ronnalee Orteza said that the program provides a structured framework for advocacy, which will be incorporated in our climate action plan in the PSHS System.