AUSTRALIA is now accepting applications for a postgraduate scholarship program for 2024.
AUSTRALIA is now accepting applications for a postgraduate scholarship program for 2024.
The Australian Embassy in the Philippines said that Australia Awards Scholarships are offered to emerging leaders from developing countries. It covers study, research, and professional development.
Upon their return, scholars are expected to apply their Australian education to undertake projects that will “contribute to positive change and development in the country, through their respective re-entry action plans.”
“Australia Awards are all about making a difference. I encourage future leaders of the Philippines to apply,” HK Yu PSM, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, said.
Through the grant, scholars will gain access to enrichment activities, build personal and professional links, and experience Australia’s vibrant and diverse culture.
The scholarship includes roundtrip travel, cost of living allowances, tuition, health insurance and supplementary tutorial assistance, among others. They will also be lifelong members of Australia’s global alumni community.
Areas of study must be aligned with the priority development needs of the Philippines such as:
• agriculture, aquatic and natural resources management (including maritime, mining, and energy);
• digital economy and cybersecurity;
• education;
• foreign relations;
• governance and public policy (including civil society and media);
• health (including public health and mental health);
• humanitarian, disaster risk, and climate change management;
• infrastructure and smart cities; law and justice; peace and development and;
• trade and economics.
Applications for Australia Awards Scholarships should be submitted from February 1 to May 1, 2023 at