Student Vox


/ 23 December 2020

We live with a purpose. Every living we spent, there’s always an action that we need to comply with and follow. We are part of the economy that reflects a balance between people, businesses, and government. But how can the economy grow and develop fast innovation?

To foster our economic growth we need sustainable sources from our funds to provide infrastructures and other sources to help our place be functional. And for that cause, every field of business needs to comply like taxes for the goods and services.

Everything that we spent, we enjoyed it because that’s what society offers. We have digital providers such as Netflix, Shopee, Lazada, Spotify, and many more. This type of business makes huge sum of earnings. Joey Salcedo chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means approved that tax is about 12% in the foreign and local companies. It sells the product that uses digital and electronic platforms that people patronized in their daily lives. Since we pay for it, they will also need to comply what the government wanted that will boost business activities and transactions towards different places.

Compliance of tax law is crucial for it supports the needs of the economy. It encourages every field of business to be formally registered and have the will to expand when it comes to economy ranges. In this way, it will be huge for our economy to grow and also to reach for great innovation.

We’ll be able to create great access when it comes to the state of resources that provide us with public goods and services. And exchange for that, the economy will able to sustain what is lacking in certain things especially in this pandemic. From our funds, we rely on our economy to stand still, be firmer, and also it will let ourselves have the willingness to keep in mind what our responsibility was.

We are free in doing the things we are responsible for, like how to sustain our daily needs in order for us to survive. But in order to grow as one, we have to cooperate and to adapt ourselves in our place. In this way we will be combined and we will learn that being as one can make our place grew stronger and became an orderly place.