

/ 8 July 2023

SENATOR Francis Tolentino rallied new graduates to confront obstacles and rise above challenges in facing the “outside world.”

“You will need to work your way to success, and the path will be replete with challenges and stumbling blocks. Do not be discouraged, however,” Tolentino told New Era University’s Class of 2023.

“The world outside may be unpredictable and full of chaos, but it is this very same uncertainty and confusion that will fuel your drive to rise above, realize your full potential and be the best version of yourself,” he added.

Tolentino told the graduates that in transitioning from a life of study to the real life outside, they will need to rely on the education they have acquired and on their own courage and strength.

“The same is true with the beautiful story you have written for your life, a chapter of which you close today as you begin and hope to write more colorful ones in the days ahead. The characters in your story may change but you remain both the lead role in your narrative and its creative writer as well,” the lawmaker said.

Tolentino said this year’s commencement rites should serve as an inspiration for everyone to rise above challenges considering that it is the first face-to-face graduation ceremony after the Covid19 pandemic.