

/ 31 July 2024

THE SENATE on Tuesday adopted a resolution expressing gratitude and commendation to their former colleague and now Education Secretary Juan Edgardo Angara for his exemplary service to the Senate and to the Filipinos.

Senators unanimously adopted Senate Resolution 1070 where they stated that Angara is the best man for the DepEd.

“Angara brought extraordinary industry and prolificacy to the Senate, with his contributions having a significant impact on the overall performance of the entire institution, and for this, he deserves the sincere appreciation and commendation of this august Chamber,” the resolution read.

The resolution noted that Angara has upheld the highest standards of public service over his two-decade legislative career, spanning three terms as Representative of the Lone District of Aurora from 2004 to 2013 and two terms as a Senator from 2013 to 2024, during which time he authored or sponsored over 340 laws, with a particular focus on education, youth empowerment, healthcare, labor, finance, local government, and good governance.

Angara chaired several key committees in the Senate, most notably the Committee on Finance that he led in the 18th and 19th Congresses, where he diligently and ably steered the passage of the most important piece of legislation in the country, the annual General Appropriations Act, which he had to ensure would be responsive to the needs of the Filipino people in the midst and the wake of the Covid19 pandemic.

In response, Angara said, “Sometimes, life surprises us. If before, I held 50 people in my Senate office, as Secretary of DepEd, almost a million government personnel are under our power now. In addition to this, as many as 27 to 28 million Filipinos—students—will be directly affected by the services delivered by our Department.”

“Of everything I learned in the Senate, the most important is the following: ‘We can do more if we are together. We are stronger together,” Angara added.