

/ 18 August 2020

PROGRESSIVE youth groups and publications worked linked hands in an online protest to commemorate the 3rd death anniversary of Kian Delos Santos who was killed by cops after being linked to drugs on August 16, 2017.

Using the #RememberKian #StopTheKillings #JunkTerrorLaw, youth groups aired their condemnation against the government’s bloody drug war and called for the junking of the highly controversial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020.

2017 was the height of the highly criticized Duterte government’s anti-drug campaign in Caloocan where the 17-year-old lad was gunned down after being dragged into a dark alley.

The call for justice for Delos Santos’ death gained national attention as evidence showed he did not fight back after being apprehended by cops.

Justice was believed to have been served as the arresting cops were charged with murder by a lower court a year after the teener’s death.

The call for justice for other victims of “extrajudicial killings” continues.

“Tama na po. Tama na po. May test pa po ako bukas,” was Delos Santos infamous plea before he was killed.

Youth groups have used this line to emphasize the severity of the government’s anti-drug campaign.

“Today, we remember Kian. Today, we remember all children who were robbed of their dreams. Never forget their names…Stop the killings! End police brutality! End impunity!,’ said the UP College of Education Student Council.

NNARA-Youth UP Diliman has also called for the junking of the highly controversial anti-terrorism law.

Meanwhile, the College Editors Guild of the Philippines bared that progressive youth groups and students held a silent protest to Mark  Delos Santos’ 3rd death anniversary.