

/ 13 November 2022

NUEVA ECIJA 2nd District Rep. Joseph Gilbert Violago is pushing for a measure granting free post-graduate education to public and private school teachers in State Colleges and Universities and Local Universities and Colleges.

In the proposed House Bill 5868 or the Free Post-Graduate Education for Teachers Act, Violago stressed postgraduate education equips teachers with skills and knowledge that were not focused on during their undergraduate studies.

Postgraduate education, the solon added, enhances teacher’s employability, broadens their intellectual interests, and gives them personal achievement.

“In the Philippines, teachers both in public and private educational institutions are severely underpaid. They look forward to being promoted because aside from being a symbol of being effective and active in their chosen career, it would result in a raise in their salaries,” Violago said in his explanatory note.

He stressed one way to be promoted is enhancing one’s skillset and mastery over a certain subject, thus many actively take up postgraduate skills.

“Considering the financial incapability of majority of teachers to defray the cost of postgraduate education, the government should provide opportunity for the advancement of teachers,” he added.

Under the measure, public and private school teachers must be active in the service and have rendered at least two consecutive years of teaching prior to the date of the application of free post-graduate studies.