

/ 3 July 2024

THE ALLIANCE of Concerned Teachers has stated that Sen. Sonny Angara is an “improved choice” for the new Department of Education chief.

ACT’s statement followed the announcement from Malacañang that President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. will appoint Angara as the next DepEd Secretary.

“ACT has known Sen. Angara to be open to dialogues with teachers’ unions and organizations. He has been consistent in advocating for increased salaries and improved benefits for teachers, as well as addressing problems within the education system,” the group said.

ACT noted that during his tenure as senator, Angara welcomed ACT’s requests for dialogues and sought the group’s positions on key education issues such as the budget, teachers’ salaries, benefits, professional development, and measures for education recovery.

“ACT sees him as someone the alliance can work with,” it added.

ACT emphasized that game-changing measures are urgently needed to reverse the decline in the country’s education quality and to sufficiently empower the education system to fulfill its role in nation-building.