

/ 4 July 2024

THE University of the East has welcomed the passage of the law waiving college entrance exam fees for qualified poor students seeking admission to private higher education institutions.

“UE lauds the passage of the law making the college entrance test free for deserving poor students,” UE President Zosimo Montemayor Battad said.

Republic Act 12006 or the Free College Entrance Examinations Act lapsed into law on June 14.

“For many of our youth, a free college entrance exam could be their ticket not just to a college education, but also out of poverty and to better lives,” Battad added.

It can be recalled that last March 7 and 8, UE opened its doors to aspiring college freshmen for a free college entrance test.

“Even before the passage of the law, UE has been holding an open house in its Manila and Caloocan campuses to give aspiring college students the chance to take the test without cost,” the UE president said.

“Waiving the entrance fee is putting our resources to things we value most—our children’s education and future,” Battad stressed.

Under the Act, a senior high school graduate or graduating student shall be eligible for the waiver of college entrance exam fees if he or she satisfies certain requirements that include being a natural-born Filipino citizen; belonging to the top 10 percent of his or her graduating class; from a family whose combined household income falls below the poverty threshold as defined by the National Economic and Development Authority or cannot afford to provide for minimum basic needs duly certified as such by the Department of Social Welfare and Development.

The aspirant must also apply for the college entrance exam and must satisfy all other requirements specified by the private HEI concerned.

The Commission on Higher Education is tasked to promulgate the implementing rules and regulations of the law in coordination with the Department of Education and in consultation with the Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations of the Philippines within 60 days of its effectivity.