

/ 31 October 2021

SAINT Louis University students are strongly urging school administration to implement an academic break.

On Saturday, learners from the Baguio-based University expressed the need to take a breather from the burdens of distance learning, citing cases of suicides among their peers owing to mental health.

Using the #AcademicBreakNOWSLU on Twitter, the students voiced out their complaint about the supposed neglect of the administration on them.

“Ano, aantayin talaga ng slu na tumaas suicide rates para magdecide na magpa-acad break? ganun ba kayo kabulag at kabingi? ilang buhay pa ba ang babawiin para lang bigyan ng pahinga ang mga mag-aaral at employees?” a student said.

The students added mental health webinars are not what they need, but rather a break from their academics.

The SLU Supreme Student Council also condemned the administration, noting it ignored its plea multiple times.

“When will The Light of The North acknowledge that doing nothing is the same as being responsible for these incidents?” the SSC said in a statement.

“Your lack of communication and compassion has severely impacted not only the mental health of the student population but their lives and futures as well. We have had enough and we will no longer wait on empty promises. We will firmly stand on what the studentry deserves,” it added.

The POST already reached out to the SLU administration, but has yet to receive a reply regarding the issue.