

/ 1 February 2024

THE AURORA State College of Technology officially elected Dr. Renato G. Reyes its sixth president after gaining a majority of votes among the Board of Trustees.

Reyes was chosen among the three candidates vying for the spot as replacement to outgoing prexy Dr. Eutiquio L. Rotaquio, Jr.

He is the president of Bioresources Innovations Agriproducts OPC and bested Commission on Higher Education Supervisor II Dr. Roel P. Anicas, and ASCOT Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. RB J. Gallego for the job.

Reyes said he plans to start the job right away and likened his position to managing a house.

“As soon as possible. If, for instance, there’s an oath-taking, I need to report right away. It’s like entering a house, getting to know everyone, and assigning tasks – who will clean the kitchen, who will tidy up the living room, who will take care of the yard. We’ll discuss what we’ll cook later, (and) what needs fixing. It’s like managing a household,” Reyes said in an interview with ASCOT.

Reyes’ goals with his stint as president will be focused on future-proofing, sustainable development, and inclusive development.