THE MARINDUQUE State College has joined the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization’s School Network — Southeast Asia’s leading organization in promoting human resource development in education, science and culture.
Established in 2015, the SEAMEO Network aims to increase the competence and capacity of educational leaders, administrators, teachers and students through various development programs.
Another objective of the network is to develop partnerships among education institutions around the world for cooperation and innovation. It also serves as a platform where educational institutions can share among themselves good practices in education, science, and culture.
Dr. Diosdado P. Zulueta, the college’s new president, received the certificate of membership from SEAMO Network.
“MSC CONTINUES TO BUILD BRIDGES TO THE WORLD with the recent awarding of a Certificate of Membership with the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization’s (SEAMEO) School Network,” MSC said on Facebook.
“MSC President Dr. Diosdado P. Zulueta is honored that MSC has been given this opportunity to link up and collaborate with institutions in the ASEAN region,” it added.
There are 679 SEAMO member schools in the Philippines.