170+ Talaytayan MLE Inc and The Philippine Online Student Tambayan cordially invite scholars, educators, practitioners, and researchers to the upcoming 2021 International Mother Language Conference and Festival to be held on February 21 to March 20 via Zoom.
This year’s conference, with the theme ‘Multilingual Education in the Pandemic and in Transition: Mapping the Course for Language Development and Governance’, takes on the challenges in the implementation of inclusive language education policy and examines the roles that institutions and stakeholders play in innovating and insulating solutions to ensure sustainable program implementation.
#IMLCF21 is a platform for the scholars of inclusionary multilingual, multicultural education to share their findings, insights and recommendations with policymakers, administrators, advocates in improving the quality of education.
Attendees may indulge themselves in four different tracks – teaching, leadership, partnership, and policy and governance.
Teaching Track
Researches on emerging pedagogies and practices; specific subject matter researches; and innovations, initiatives and experiments that directly impact learning in a physical or virtual environment. Thematic presentations under this track include:
- Virtual Teaching and Learning
- History of Literature Education
- Media Education and the New Classroom
- Teaching of Literature
- Values Education and Truth Telling
- Media Literacy and Disinformation
- Language in STEM Education
- Alternative Learning and Teaching*
- Education and Human Rights
- Learning Materials Design and Development
- Language, Music and Visual Arts
Leadership Track
Researches on curricular reforms; multi-modal learning management and administration; human resource development and management; learning continuity and sustainability; monitoring and evaluation:
- Performance and Assessment
- Curriculum in the Next Normal
- Teacher Training and Development (In-service)
- Standards Setting and Development
- Monitoring and Evaluation in Education
- Ethics and Ethical Criticism
Partnership Track
Researches that examine the role of education partnership and sectoral collaboration, financing education, stakeholder mapping and participation, corporate social responsibility, community and civil society initiatives, multi-sectoral alliance-building; resource mobilization:
- Education and Big Data
- Local Government and Private Partnership in Education
- Indigenous Education, Ethnicity, and Culture
- Culture and Heritage Education
- Peace and Conflict Education
- English Education and Globalization
Policy and Governance Track
Researches that impact educational policymaking at multiple levels; policy impact assessments; case studies; local education policies, programs and initiatives; special education fund (SEF) utilization; resource allocation; program monitoring and evaluation. Thematic presentations under this track include:
- Teacher Quality and Higher Education
- Language and Emergency Education
- Education and Public Health
- Climate Change and Cultural Communities
- Virtual Classroom and Mental Health
- Language Access and Inclusion
- Teacher Quality and Professional
- Qualifications Framework (Pre-service)
Interested individuals may register as participants via The one-time conference fee payment covers full access to plenary and parallel sessions and selected special training programs – policy form, thematic sessions, paper presentations, workshops, art exhibits, video presentations and video contest, small book writing contests in the L1, storytelling contest, special panels, among others.
A minimal fee of P1,500 will be charged for teachers and graduate/undergraduate students (local and foreign) living in the country as long as they show proof while registering.
For more info, you may visit Talaytayan’s official Facebook page at You may also follow The Philippine Online Student Tambayan – the conference’s official media partner.
This has been endorsed by the Department of Education thru Advisory No 10, series of 2021. DepEd encourages everyone in the academe to be part of the #IMLCF21.