

IN-PERSON classes begin today in public schools but a teachers’ group doubts if majority of schools are really prepared for face-to-face learning.

/ 22 August 2022

IN-PERSON classes begin today in public schools but a teachers’ group doubts if majority of schools are really prepared for face-to-face learning.

The Teachers Dignity Coalition said that teachers find unbelievable the claim of the Department of Education that 90 percent of schools are ready.

“To start with, we are still plagued by the decades-old problem of classroom shortages. In parts of the country, classrooms are still being halved to accommodate more classes. Covered courts are still being converted to makeshift classrooms. We are still wallowing in the bloated curriculum worsened by inadequate learning materials,” Benjo Basas, TDC national chairman, said.

Basas claimed that teachers are overburdened by redundant clerical work.

He added that class sizes are relatively bigger at 50-55, and schools have no access to health workers.

“None of these are helping the country’s already limping learning outcomes and only extend the injustice being inflicted on our perennially neglected teachers,” Basas said.

“But despite the grim situation, teachers are gearing up to report physically starting Monday and make do, fingers crossed. They are calling on parents and learners for understanding as they voice out their protest, born out of legitimate fear of what in-person learning could still bring them and their families,” he added.