Student Guide


The Professional Regulation Commission announced last Tuesday that only 361 out of 2,367 examinees successfully passed this year’s CPA licensure exam. Several accounting students voiced worries about their future careers as a result of this announcement.

/ 23 October 2021

Dear ka-tambay,

If you clicked on this article, there is a high chance that the title echoed your current concern. Perhaps, you are one of those who spend hours reading pro-forma entries, memorizing limitations of taxation, and reviewing tax exemptions. Probably, you felt anxious when you saw this year’s passing rate is only around 15.25%.

Don’t worry, career anxiety is common among college students. This is not entirely a bad thing. Good stress, called eustress, keeps us motivated and enthusiastic about life. However, anxiety can be cunning sometimes that it associates your fate to numbers. “Grabe ang baba ng passing rate, nakakatakot na mag accountancy”. Stop right there. You have to remember that it is a problem that you let numbers determine your career. So, before you think about shifting courses, here are 3 reasons for you to stay (Alexa, play Million Reasons by Lady Gaga).

Lifelong learnings – During orientation sessions, you might have already heard about “Accounting is lifelong learning” but what does it entail? The term “lifelong learning” refers to the process of continuously learning in response to changes in the environment. Accountancy is a commitment of studying and only people with strong character can finish this degree.

Grow as a person – Accountancy does not only teach practical skills but also communication and people skills. You see, since accountancy is a field of people with strong character, it is really an environment that will test you in many aspects including teamwork, conflict resolution, and even creative thinking.

CPA passer or not, your degree is relevant – 15.25% is really a concerning result, but it does not mean that those who failed will not make it in life. There are lots of opportunities for those who finished without a license because of the relevance of their course in the business world.  Similarly, being a CPA passer does not guarantee your success in life.

I hope that this quote by Abel Morales will help you reinforce your grasp on the situation.

“When it feels scary to jump, that is exactly when you jump,
otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life.”
 Abel Morales, A Most Violent Year (2017)

LIST OF PASSERS: October 2021 CPA, Accountancy Board Exam Results (