Letters of Youth


/ 11 November 2020

If you wake up unmotivated here are some motivational words for you to at least be encouraged to start your day with hope in mind.



Don’t end this day just lying on your bed, browse your phone and drown out yourself when nothing to do. You can do more but don’t pressure yourself to be productive. If today, you wished to be happy, look for something beautiful in your life and that would be your hope. It will not come in a drop of a hat you’ll achieve it in the process. If today, you then worried about your future make this day be part of it, don’t reside in past, thus use it to motivate you to sharpen the upcoming days. If today, you think that you are enough, go in the front of the mirror, when you see yourself there it only means you are valued by above. God let you live, you are worthy to be molded as a person and possess life.

You are more than just a person who is lying at the bed, browsing your phone, and drowning out yourself because every day is a challenge, and every day you survive.



For you to be able to love again, you need to forgive people who left you wounded. How can you move forward if you are still chained to the past? You need to cut it. There may be some remaining parts that will remind you how painful it was but you can’t change the fact that it’s done, you lost it, all you need to do is to accept it and restart again. It’s hard to introduce yourself to other people and find love but it is harder not to be able to love again.



Start believing in yourself. A writer is still a person who has written a particular piece even without a reader. The brightness of the moon never is lost even without darkness. Just pursue what pressed your happiness and where your heartthrobs, that will be a good touch for your prologue. You started only with yourself, but never stop. You’ll meet people in a chapter of your journey who will trust you or disbelieve you, use them as your strength. You are building a great epilogue when you stand with your point of view, it might not be as successful as who you look up but at least you never put yourself down.



What keeps you blind for not seeing your beauty? You are looking at the mirror not to behold yourself but make yourself seem unimportant. You are beautiful, keep that on your mind. You have your own that should be proud of. You can walk in 5-inch heels, wear a long gown, and smile confidently without any imperfection in your mind. True beauty grows inner and comes outer so chin up, show your face and slay with your uniqueness.




You are free to dream yet it cost a lot to achieve it. It will take a lot of shed tears before it turns as the source of your happiness. The way to success is bewildering, there are different paths whereas bounded in one destination. It’s easy to give up, but choose to continue even how difficult it is. Someday those things that contradict what you dream of will dispel any doubts you had before, you’ll eventually attain it with your effort and courage. Make your dream certain to happen, you know you can do it.



What our eyes serve to exist for a reason, those could bring us in light or darkness. The world that you belong, gradually sheltering with negativity, thus for you to live in outright you must see the good in everything. Everyday fight of you always wins to win the situation put that in your mind. You can still gain even if you are defeated, it teaches you strategies for the next battle. Don’t confine yourself in discomfort, seek for a reason to smile, look for hope in you for as much only who survive are those can turn their failure to victory that is in favor of themselves. The sun may disappear before the darkness, but don’t lose hope tomorrow is a gift for you to see the sun again.



Take a rest. Free your mind from tiring unwanted at least for this day. Breathe when everything suffocates you. Stop for a while when things are out of your control. You are in a vast sea, it is tiring to paddle continuously so just let the waves take action to move your boat for a meantime, you’ll still able to reach your destination.