

/ 8 April 2021

THE DEPARTMENT of Education in Antique temporarily stopped the distribution and retrieval of self-learning modules because of the increasing Covid19 cases in the province.

DepEd Superintendent Felisa Beriong issued Memorandum Order 128 on Monday, April 5, ordering the suspension of the distribution.

“Due to rising cases of Covid19 in the province of Antique, and in support to the appeal of the health officials of the province, the DepEd Schools Division of Antique cancels retrieval and distribution of modules from April 5-19,” Beriong said.

She said the teachers were directed to adopt a work-from-home scheme.

Since the implementation of blended learning, Beriong said teachers must retrieve SLMs every Friday and distribute another set on Mondays.

“Teachers have many work assignments during their work from home such as checking outputs of their learners, prepare their Learning Activity Sheets, and other tasks assigned by their school heads,” she said.

Beriong added that she also received a letter from Governor Rhodora Cadiao on April 5 requesting the use of schools as quarantine facilities.

“I already informed our school heads to be ready just in case their schools will be requested to be used as quarantine facilities. However, the final approval of the request will come from their DepEd regional director Ramir Uytico,” she said.