

/ 16 July 2024

ACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro on Monday assured that they will continue their efforts for the reopening of Lumad schools despite her conviction by a court in Tagum City, Davao del Norte on child abuse case for allegedly endangering minors in November 2018.

In a decision by the Tagum Regional Trial Court Branch 2, Castro, former Bayan Muna Party-list Rep. Satur Ocampo, and 11 others were convicted for violating Section 10(a) of Republic Act (RA) No. 7610 or the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act.

In a joint statement, Castro and Ocampo stressed that the wrongful conviction was “absurd and unacceptable.”

Castro explained that the effect of the decision is that rescuing children from military intimidation and harassment is wrong and the children would have to go through bureaucratic documentation before they can be rescued in an emergency crisis.

“We will appeal this decision even if it reaches the Supreme Court,” she added

“As it is, we will continue to work for the reopening of lumad schools for them to be more informed and prepared for the future,” said the teacher solon.

The Talaingod 18 were members of a National Solidarity Mission to Talaingod, Davao del Norte who were arbitrarily detained and charged with violations of Republic Act 7610 or other forms of child abuse on November 28, 2018.

They were in the process of rescuing Lumad students and teachers of the Salugpungan Ta’Tanu Igkanogon Community Learning Center, Inc. and the Community Technical College of Southeastern Mindanao from the Alamara paramilitary group and the military when the incident occurred.

“Why is it that the ones who rescued the children from harm are the ones being convicted while the paramilitary group, the military and the NTF-ELCAC who were threatening the children go scot free? Hindi ba dapat sila ang kinasuhan?” Castro asked.

The solon also called for immediate action to address the plight of Lumad communities.

“We demand the immediate reopening of Lumad schools, an end to the militarization of Lumad communities, and a thorough investigation into human rights violations against indigenous peoples in Mindanao,” she said.