

/ 7 April 2021

The Department of Education was saddened by the death of five educators in Isabela who succumbed to Covid19.

“We offer our sincere condolences to the bereaved families and loved ones of our fellow DepEd workers. The Schools Division Office in Isabela is already in contact with the grieving families to provide urgent assistance and to facilitate the expeditious release of their benefits,” the department said in a statement.

DepEd said that based on its initial investigation, the cases were acquired through community transmission outside the school premises and are not work related.

“However, to prevent any further transmission of the disease, the field office has coordinated with the local government unit for extensive contact tracing and quarantine procedures,” the department said.

The SDO in Isabela ordered the strict implementation of alternative work arrangements and suspension of all face-to-face activities in schools and offices in critical areas in the province.

The department reminded its field offices to always follow the guidelines and required health standards on work and office arrangements set by the Inter-Agency Task Force, the Department of Health, and the Civil Service Commission.

“In our commitment to deliver quality education, we reiterate to our field officials that the health and safety of our hardworking teachers and personnel is and should always remain the priority amidst these uncertain times,” it said.