

/ 24 May 2024

THE Commission on Human Rights has lauded the Senate’s proposed Abogado Para sa Bayan Act, which provides scholarships for deserving students who want to pursue legal education.

Commissioner Monina Arevalo Zenarosa underscored the importance of law education in the promotion of human rights.

“We hope that through this measure, students will continue to be inspired in pursuing legal studies and be a beacon of justice driven by a desire to serve the nation, particularly the vulnerable and marginalized communities,” she said.

“After all, justice and equal representation in the face of the law are fundamental human rights that should be enjoyed by all Filipinos, regardless of social status or financial capacity,” she added.

Senate President Francis Escudero has earlier sponsored Senate Bill No. 2596, also known as the Act Establishing a Legal Scholarship and Return Service Program for Deserving Students.

The proposed legislation aims to provide legal education scholars with free tuition and other school fees, as well as allowances for books and supplies and bar review and licensure fees within the prescribed time frame.

In exchange, the scholars will be required to complete two years of return service in government agencies.

Given the country’s increasing need for legal services, the CHR said that the state must give a helping hand to students who want to pursue the legal profession since many are weighed down by the financial burdens of good law education.

“The Commission believes that investing in capable and deserving students who want to serve the country through the legal profession must be acknowledged as a vital step toward a more just and equitable society,” it stressed.