

/ 23 July 2024

AN ASSISTANT professor from the Visayas State University completed her two-month Predoctoral Visit to Hasselt University in Belgium.

May Ann Palen of the Department of Statistics worked under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Thomas Neyens, an expert in Spatial and Temporal Modeling and Biostatistics.

“This collaboration allowed Ms. Palen to gain invaluable insights and advanced knowledge in the critical fields of Spatial Analysis and Species Distribution Modeling, contributing significantly to her ongoing research endeavors,” VSU said.

“The visit also facilitated a robust exchange of methodologies and expertise among UHasselt, Caraga State University, and VSU, enhancing the institutions’ research capabilities. Instructional materials from UHasselt were shared with Ms. Palen, furthering knowledge exchange,” it added.

The collaboration between CSU, VSU, and UHasselt led to joint research projects and future funding opportunities.

Palen’s visit also improved her research skills and opened doors for doctorate research. She attended various workshops and meetings, enhancing her knowledge and networking.

“I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and for the support from VLIR-UOS, UHasselt, and VSU. Working with Prof. Dr. Thomas Neyens and his research group has been an incredible experience,” she said.
“The knowledge and skills I have acquired will undoubtedly benefit my future research and teaching at VSU,” she added.

The opportunity was made possible through the generous support of VLIR-OUS under the Global Minds programme, with additional backing from UHasselt and VSU.