A PROFESSOR from the University of Santo Tomas presented a research paper in the 33rd World Conference of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology that can be adapted to enhance the teaching process.
Assistant Professor Kim Gerald Medallon said that his study aimed to determine if internships generate professional conduct.
The study entitled “Attitudes Development of Occupational Therapy Interns from a Private School in Three Clinical Settings” utilized a qualitative cross-sectional design that involved observation, in-depth interviews, and review of documents.
“The paper was an effort to validate if the learning outcomes on professional behaviors are, indeed, achieved in internship settings,” Medallon said.
“It aims to identify the professional behaviors being demonstrated, determine their consistency and extent of manifestation, identify the factors facilitating and/or impeding their consistent and full-extent manifestation, and determine the current knowledge, attitude, and skills of OT clinical teachers in attitudes development,” he added.
The study concluded that among the professional behaviors manifested were initiative, adaptation, patience, and collaborative practice.
Medallon said that the paper’s findings can help in “possible policy and curricular changes to ensure that attitudes would not just be listed as learning outcomes but would really be emphasized in the teaching-learning process.”