

/ 6 January 2021

THE OFFICE of the Student Regent of the University of the Philippines called on students, councils, publications and organizations to take part in the selection  of the next student regent.

“To effectively defend students’ rights and represent our collective stand in governance and policy-making, the SR must constantly consult students in every unit of the UP System and spearhead system-wide campaigns. Fight for our democratic rights and uphold student representation,” it said.

The nominees for the 38th SR of UP System are set to proceed to the final stage of selection which will be convened by the 50th General Assembly of Student Councils on January 11-12, 2021.

Renee Louise Co of UP Diliman, Francesca Adrienne Kapunan of UP Baguio, Sigfried Severino of UP Los Baños, and Jhonn Isidor Suplenas of UP Cebu are the nominees for SR.

“The GASC, composed of all student councils of the UP System, is the body tasked to determine the final order of the nominees, ultimately selecting the next student regent,” UP-OSR said.

The search process has three stages of selection — the college-wide, university-wide, and system-wide.

Student councils will lead the selection process, while nominees will undergo careful deliberations with the respective college and/or university search committees.

Only the nominees endorsed by the UP unit after these deliberations can proceed to the final stage at the convention of the GASC.