

/ 19 September 2024

THE ASSISTANT principal of the Senior High School Department at Silliman University has been selected as a delegate for the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Professional Fellows Program.

Asst. Prof. Joshua S. Soldivillo will represent the Philippines and undertake his fellowship at Montana Technological University in Butte, Montana, United States. He will work closely with U.S. professionals, faculty, and community leaders in civic engagement.

“His placement, scheduled from September 9 to October 18, 2024, will provide him with professional experiences, including orientation, hands-on work, and networking opportunities,” Silliman University said.

“As one of four selected leaders from the Philippines, Soldivillo’s participation is under the Civic Engagement theme. His involvement includes several key components: virtual leadership training, mentorship, professional experience, community service, and the development of an action plan to address challenges in his home community,” it added.

Before traveling to Montana, Soldivillo completed a virtual “Leading Change” course to enhance his leadership skills. During his four-week fellowship, he will gain practical experience, engage in community service, and develop an action plan to address local issues in the Philippines.

He will also attend the YSEALI Fellows Forum in Washington, DC, for additional networking and skill-building. After returning, Soldivillo will implement his action plan and may invite a U.S. host for a reciprocal exchange project.

Managed by the U.S. Department of State, the program aims to enhance leadership skills and build stronger connections between young Southeast Asian leaders and the United States.

The YSEALI Professional Fellows Program gathers young leaders from 11 Southeast Asian nations, including Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam.