

/ 20 August 2020

THE NATIONAL University Students Affairs Office and NU Student Government held a virtual meeting following the confusion created by the distribution of the Wireless Fidelity Kits.

According to the report of NUSG, SAO is not considering a public apology because they deem themselves not guilty of the dissatisfaction and allegations of the students on the distribution of WiFi Kits.

“That is why we are not going to have a public apology, never. We are very firm on that because we believe the Students Affairs did not do any mistake in what happened and we deplore your post that should be put onrecord,” said the SAO office.

The SAO, however, admitted that it lacks the manpower as it is operating on a limited workforce and suggested that student leaders who are 21 years old and above may help in the distribution of the WiFi kits.

The SAO has emphasized that it is superior to the NUSG and asked the student body to seek validation and consultation before making any action.

In addition, the SAO has expressed dismay with the NUSG’s action and said it was offended by the statements released by the student body.

The student body, on the other hand, has made it clear with the SAO that it is only upholding the concerns of the entire NU studentry..

“In these trying times, fair comments must be taken positively in order to effect change and progress. This is how democracy works, inside and outside our academic institutions. It is under this well-entrenched right to free speech that we echoed the sentiments of the Nationalians as their duly-elected representatives,” the NUSG statement said.