

/ 18 August 2020

THE NU Student Affairs Office  aired its side on the alleged mishandled distribution of WiFi kits last August 14.

SAO reiterated that the student body missed checking some facts and key points.

The office explained that most students booked a courier delivery service but failed to send the drivers messages via Facebook.

This resulted in the courier drivers arriving at NU and waiting to verify if the students were enrolled and had requested the kits’ delivery.

Aside from the miscommunication, SAO clarified that it did not risk the safety of courier drivers and even asked them to practice social distancing.

“However, they still did not follow and kept swarming at the NU gate. We were  advised by the PNP to halt the distribution, and the NU President approved,” SAO wrote in a public letter.

The office also stressed they never intended to blame the students nor the drivers. SAO also urged the students to follow the given instructions to make it convenient for both sides.

The office also took offense on how the NU Student Government aired their concerns on social media without reaching out to SAO first for the accurate facts.

“We take offense on their strong usage of the word ‘deplore’. Deploring the Student Affairs Office also means deploring a number of NU employees extending their service to us for the WiFi kit distribution. These people have been risking their selves and working full-time despite the MECQ to make sure the students receive their WiFi Kits before the opening of classes,” SAO said.

“We take offense on the statement of NUSG that we ignored and disregarded the welfare of the student and called our office irresponsible,” SAO added.

The office reminded the students to be cautious on social media and be respectful of other people especially the NU community.