

/ 28 April 2021

A GROUP of professors from the De La Salle University urged President Rodrigo Duterte to keep his promise of asserting the Philippines’ rights in the West Philippine Sea.

“It is high time that our government values our nation’s patrimony. The Chief Executive must genuinely show the resolve that he promised during his 2016 presidential campaign for in doing so he will fulfill his constitutional duty,” the group, composed of professors from the international studies and political science departments, said in a statement.

“We reassert that appeasement emboldens the aggressor, peace without dignity is subjugation, and asserting our rights is not a declaration of war. We must stand against those who think that might is right,” it added.

When he was campaigning for president, Duterte said that if Beijing refuses to honor an arbitration ruling on the South China Sea and continues to occupy features there, he will go to an airport built by China on reclaimed land in the Spratlys to plant the Philippine flag.

Lately however, amid public rage over the presence of around 200 Chinese vessels in Julian Felipe Reef, Duterte said that the country cannot do anything against China.

The professors said they were “appalled by the failure of the government” to secure the sovereignty of the country.

“The President should disabuse himself from the simplistic notion that the only other option is to antagonize China and risk war. We must seriously strengthen our maritime security capacity. Moreover, there are multilateral solutions that can be explored,” they said.

Last week, over 200 professors from various colleges and universities also called on the government to stand up against China.