

/ 24 January 2023

PAYING others to do reaction papers, examination and other school works is “shamelessly unethical,” a professor from the University of the Philippines said.

UP professor Danilo Arao made the statement after learning that some students pay for commissioned work for their academic requirements.

The professor added that academic “commissioners” can commit graver offenses later on in life.

“That many clients and ‘commissioners’ do not publicly reveal their names proves the questionable practice of earning dishonestly at the expense of learning honestly. Those who engage in ‘academic commissions’ are prone to embrace corruption upon graduation,” Arao said on his social media accounts.

The professor also advised the “commissioners” to find other ways to earn money as the “predatory” practice should not be tolerated.

“A demand for your ‘forte’ is not an excuse. What you’re doing is utterly dishonest and shamelessly unethical. To earn from an inherently broken educational system is opportunist, mercenary and predatory,” Arao added.