

/ 17 May 2021

THE CLSU Collegian, the student publication of the Central Luzon State University, denounced  the cyberbullying acts committed against some of the candidates for this year’s student council elections.

“As much as we want to assess their perspective on the current sociopolitical issues such as student activism, we believe the surge of harsh comments to antagonize them is strongly inappropriate. Some of these comments are unnecessarily derogatory and are merely personal attacks,” it said.

The school’s publication posted on Facebook several opinions of the candidates on some pressing issues.

Some of the candidates said they are not in favor of ‘student activism’. This prompted netizens to lambast the nominees.

“Sad partylist. Kaisa sa katangahan,”“Such clowns”, and “Ganto ba mga susunod na lider ng clsu? Kung ganto kadiri” were some of the comments.

CLSU said it will delete its posts and apologized for the inconvenience and distress that these caused the nominees.

“For the rest of this election, we will do our best so that these similar instances won’t happen again. From this point on, candidates who will request to have their pub mats taken down as well will have to submit a duly signed official statement of request for deletion, which will be posted upon taking down of the material,” it said.

The publication also pledged to be transparent in the upcoming elections.