

/ 17 March 2021

The Central Luzon State University in Nueva Ecija province locked down its Muñoz campus to curb the spread of Covid19.

The campus will be closed until March 26, 2021.

The university said that its Executive Committee adopted the recommendation of the Science City of Muñoz to lock down the school as a precaution against the spread of the contagion.

“Those living outside CLSU even the ones residing in other parts of the Univerisity (e.g. Sawmill, Barrio San Juan) but outside the gated area shall be denied entry at the Main Gate,” CLSU said on Facebook.

“Only the CLSU personnel living within the main area of the campus will be allowed to physically report to work. All others shall be adopting the work-from-home scheme subject to the arrangement to be prescribed by the unit heads in consultation with their respective program vice presidents,” it added.

Residents of the CLSU Employees’ Village were advised to use the other gate located at Sikat road.

Personnel in other campuses were urged to protect themselves from the Covid19.