

/ 20 November 2020

STUDENT organizations in the City of Malabon University appealed for an academic break to give students time to recover from the effects of the recent typhoons.

The groups said that continuing classes amid the recent disasters left behind majority of students as they struggle to survive financially amid a health crisis.

“While we are in full cognizance of the desire to push through our learning despite various occurrences, we strongly dissuade how this legitimate interest is sought to be accomplished if it will mean leaving the majority of our fellow students behind, particularly those who are barely surviving since the onslaught of this crisis,” the groups said.

They suggested a break from November 23-30, 2020.

“As the major stakeholders of the university, we call on all students and faculty alliances to drumbeat our clamor until it reaches the doors of our university officials. Our livelihood, physical, and mental health conditions have not been spared by the negative impacts of these struggles. As such, we need compassion and empathy more than ever,” they added.

The groups said the break can be used by the CMU administration to assess new strategies on how it can improve the quality of education.