

/ 9 March 2023

A CAMPUS gender equality group called on the Senate to scrap the bill that intends to make the Reserve Officers’ Training Course mandatory in college.

Enough is Enough said that the bill will fuel misogyny and sexism and will push back a decade worth of efforts to make learning institutions safe spaces.

“Not unless, all of a sudden the culture within our armed forces alters and denounces fascism, militarism and patriarchy, the culture of sexism and fear which we are struggling to combat and defeat in our campuses will perpetually be embedded,” EIE’s Kate Leonor said.

“Even if our senators claim that the MROTC bill is guaranteed abuse-proof and has safeguard provisions, the militaristic and misogynistic tradition and mindset of the officers and rank and file of the armed forces will pollute institutions that should champion academic excellence and academic freedom,” Leonor added.

The group called on the Department of Education and Commission on Higher Education to focus on the education crisis and not deflect their neglect and incompetence to the lack of discipline and patriotism of the students.

“DepEd and CHED should focus on actively purging our campuses of predators and enablers. The recent uptick in cases of abuse and harassment dwarf their efforts and highlights their lack of political will to truly address the issue,” Leonor said.